Case Study: Accelerating Into the Future with SEO

man handing a set of keys to a driver

About the Client

Founded in early 2022, drive was started with the goal to streamline and improve the used car buying experience in Alaska. Their vision of a new used car experience would bring every stage of the buying process online in a way that would allow the drivers to see all the details of a used car with complete transparency.

About the Project

Given that drive opened for business coming out of the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, they needed to invest in marketing their business and making sure that their business name was easily searchable online. The biggest challenge for drive would be to overcome the generality of its brand name as a keyword.

After getting connected with Orange Slice, drive wanted to start investing in their Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy early to help build a strong base for ranking their website in the future. Orange Slice recommended that they start by both maintaining the indexability of their site as they built out different aspects of their website and creating new content that they could later promote.


After a six-month period of maintaining the website so that Google could finish indexing and categorizing the new website along with the three blog posts, Orange Slice’s efforts resulted in…

  • Maintained an overall site health of 100%

  • An increase in monthly impressions of 8.54K to 11.8K || 38.2% Increase

  • An increase in monthly clicks from 189 to 397 || 110.1% Increase

  • An increase in monthly click-through rate from 2.2% to 3.4%

  • An increase in overall site ranking from 33.9 to 28.2 (lower is better)

Orange Slice built a strong base for future growth while drive refined its business model and started increasing its promotion efforts.


Case Study: A Look Into Seasonality and SEO


Case Study: Turning up the Heat on Serrano’s Social